Your Story on Your Terms

Survivors Say is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing survivors, victims and their families with free strategic communications services and resources in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy, serving as their adviser, advocate and spokesperson when — or if — they choose to tell their story.

Survivor Stories

Shantel Gillespie

Shantel Gillespie was a mother of three who had just finished her nursing degree and worked at Boston Children’s Hospital when she was murdered in December 2024.

Jacob Galliher

Staff Sgt. Jacob Galliher of Pittsfield, Massachusetts was killed on November 29, 2023 in an Air Force Osprey crash off the coast of Japan, leaving his wife, two young children and many other devastated family and friends.

Jessica Mann

Jessica Mann is one of the brave women who have stepped forward to charge Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein with rape.

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